I did JUST FINE with my food for today……. … until late this afternoon and tonight.

I am not buying anymore temptations until I can get my body straightened out. I’ve got to stay away from foods that hubby & Katie eat too. It’s so hard because even when I do eat a healthy meal, I’m not satisfied because my body is so whacked out. The only way to stop that is to stop overeating and STOP eating too much carby/sugary stuff. I HAVE TO STOP. I want to but those urges kick my a$$!!!!!!!!!

THE GOOD THING IS THO that I did a Wii Active workout for the first time in.. weeks? I got pretty shakey and the workout wasn’t even that tough. I’ve completed MUCH MUCH tougher workouts in the past. I need to kick my own butt again. If I can just get a hold of that SPARK to keep me moving forward.

I know that going back on Metformin would help me keep those cravings under control. I go fix something in the kitchen and feel so tempted to give into something sweet/carby…… ugh IT SUCKS. What THE HELL. I used to be slim. I WAS GETTING INTO RUNNING. I’m so pissed the hell off that I didn’t eat more of the good fats in 2009 and early 2010. I’M SO PISSED THE HELL OFF that I’ve got an extra 30ish pounds on me now. I’M SO PISSED THE HELL OFF that I haven’t been able to stop the temptations.

I’ll just keep trying. KEEP TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just need a little push in the right direction and need a little help other than just exercise and diet. My body has been in turmoil for too long. I could of straightened this out with JUST food/exercise back in like mid-2010 but nope. I will get there.

Watched Biggest Loser not long ago, woot! Gonna watch another rerun eppy of SECRET LIFE and get ready for bed. Tomorrow is another DAY TO TRY!!!!!!!!!!! If I can go a whole day without giving into temptation then I have accomplished a lot. Once I get back on track, I am NOT LETTING THIS HAPPEN AGAIN. … *sigh*

OoOOo guess what? We’re supposed to have THUNDERSTORMS tomorrow! I’m actually excited, lol.