One of our assignments for college this week was to pick a film they had listed and to write a two-page paper surrounding whatever area they wanted. I decided to pick HITCH! Also, I don’t think before today that I had seen the movie. I really, really liked it!!!!! The characters did a great job and I got a GREAT laugh out of Kevin James’ character Albert, LMAO! I’m happy to say I got my paper done and turned in tonight…… mission accomplished! All that is left for me to complete is my multiple choice quiz that I will do in the morning.

Disasterous day food wise. I have my new food list written out and am READY to pick them up tomorrow evening. I’m gonna *attempt* to stay on track tomorrow. We don’t have much in the house, but I’ll see what I can come up with.

Ummmmmm today it rained and tonight we had a mini thunderstorm. I didn’t get to go over to Mom’s like I usually do and I couldn’t get a hold of her on the phone, even though I tried a few diff times??? Hopefully she got her new glasses Tuesday and we can see them tomorrow when we drop Katie off.

This week has went BY FAST! Well, time to watch another rerun of SECRET LIFE! I didn’t go to bed till late and then kept waking up. Another reason I need to take control of my eating…. having insulin resistance and my body all messed up means that when I DO eat like this, it starts to affect everything. I’m starting to have night sweats again and not sleeping as well.

I have to end this !!!!!!!