It has been cool all day long! Feels good in the house, thank goodness. Last winter we FROZEN in our previous house…. eesh. I cannot TELL YOU how THANKFUL I am to be in a warm apartment.

I won’t bore you with the usual details of the day. Katie has done pretty good today! OH, but I will say I did a little over 20 minutes on the Wii Active this morning, followed by 42 minutes brisk walking on the treadmill. The three of us ate dinner tonight, then I headed over for a chilly walk to Mom’s. (Plus the exercise from walking to Mom’s!) Talked to her for 2 hours and had a blast, as usual!!!! Apparently, she’s almost out of cigarettes and said she dreads waking up in the morning since she is gonna be without them….. speaking of that, I was talking about Paula Dean being on Dr. Oz talking about her cigarette addiction and Mom talked a bit about how addicted she is to smoking too. Like most addicts, she gets pretty stressed/angry when she does not have a cigarette. I pray that one day she and my Aunt can overcome that addiction. I know they can. Just gonna pray for them.

YAY TOMORROW IS FRIDAY !!!!!!!!! Got something good coming up SUNDAY! A week from tomorrow will be my DOCTOR’S APPOINTMENT and I am SO READY TO GO. I wish it was tomorrow morning. Ready to get moving on getting my health on the right track ONCE AND FOR ALL! Felt kindof bad today since today and yesterday I have been trying to keep my diet sensible as far as sugar/carbs…. time for withdrawl symptoms again. Ugh.. the Metformin will help that, that’s why I cannot WAIT to go to the Doc’s.

Anyhow, I’m gonna nibble on a little somethin since I still feel a little hungry and we’re gonna watch last Sunday’s eppy of DEXTERRRRRRRRRRRR then get ready for bed!!! I’m excited to go out with my lovie tomorrow for shopping – woot woot. Still deciding how I want my menu to look for next week…. hmmm….

Have a great night!!!