We’ve been getting a little tight with money lately…. we’ve been through MUCH harder times, but it’s still hard to struggle in any way. Our past struggles have helped us be a bit more able to cope when money tight times come up, like in our current situation. As long as we can get our bills paid and enough food, I am THANKFUL.

How has your Friday been? Mine has been ok, I suppose.

Since it is November and a lot of people are talking about being thankful, I just want to try to bring a little upbeat spirit to my post and to my own self.
**I am thankful for…
-Our warm apartment. This time last year we were in a cold, cold old house FREEZING.
-My Heavenly Father. I owe EVERYTHING I am and ever shall be to Him.
-My husband and our daughter AND our chinchilla!!! They are my life.
-The fact that we have food and clothes. There are so many that DON’T.
-My faith that has gotten me through all the hard times I have faced since early 2010.
-The church, scriptures, and all I have learned since converting to an LDS in August 2008.

I am thankful for LIFE….