Tummy has been bothering me today, along with the usual annoying nausea from taking the Metformin. I could NOT figure out what I wanted to eat most of the day… even oatmeal didn’t satisfy me like usual. I guess it’s good I’m not having sugar/carb cravings anymore, but it’s mostly because my tummy randomly hurts and the queasyness. Blaaaaaaargh. Right now my tummy feels kindof tensed up. Lovely…

Supposed to get up in the morning and a church friend is picking me and Katie up for some sort of music activity they’ve started every Wednesday at chuch and they wanted me to bring Katie. She LOVES music and LOVES being around other kids so she’ll have a blast I am sure.

I really have nothing else to say….. Walking Dead was awesome last night and tonight’s show to watch is DEXTER.