Still have a scratchy throat and have felt a little weak today….. meh. Still praying it gets only BETTER* instead of WORSE. It’s rained off and on all day and another cold front is moving in. Today’s high was in the 60’s and tomorrow’s high is only gonna be 48! Sheesh. Stupid insane temp changes!

You know. I’ve been watching more videos about Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (what I have) and it just AMAZES me how most Docs don’t treat the actual Hashimoto’s, instead they just throw pills at the patient and that’s that. When REALLY, it isn’t the THYROID that is the main problem, yes, it’s PART of the problem, but only a small part. The big problem with Hashimoto’s is that the IMMUNE SYSTEM*** is attacking the THYROID ITSELF…. until the IMMUNE SYSTEM PROBLEM is fixed, the attack on the thyroid won’t get better. YET MOST DOCTORS DON’T ADDRESS THE AUTO IMMUNE (immune system attacking the body) PROBLEMS!

Why is the immune system in a mess? Well, there are soooooo many potential reasons but here are the main ones I am going to be addressing on my own. Yes, If I had the money, I would be seeking out a natural thyroid Doc who could test my immune system in diff ways to see exactly what is out of whack and work on fixing that, BUT I’m going to try my own detox and diet tweaking to see what it does. Atleast I’m trying to help my situation instead of just not doing anything, where I would keep suffering like I have been.

1) gluten/celiac. I could be sensative to gluten now so I am going gluten-free, like I mentioned in a previous post
2) estrogen imbalance. this can be helped by addressing other underlying problems, like blood sugar imbalance and adrenal weakness
3) PCOS/insulin resistance/adrenal stress. yup… I know how to handle PCOS and have read a lot about adrenal stress
4) not enough vitamin D and immune imbalance.
5) gut health. i’m gonna make sure to get plenty of PROBIOTICS !!!!! like my lovely, lovely KOMBUCHA
6) toxins, toxins, toxins

With my own health plan, I hope to take control of this auto immune disorder and take back my health so I can feel great, lose weight, and live my life the fullest again without the fatigue, weight gain, and imbalance.

Tomorrow we go pick up some groceries and my new food setup!