No fruit

How was your Saturday?

* cleaned house
* we took a very chilly walk to the pond! brad went to the library across the street, while me and Katie sat by the pond then we all walked around. it was getting even colder, so we headed back.
* walked to Mom’s and dropped Katie off
* walked home, sat for a minute before heading out
* went to Dollar Tree for a few things, then walked over to Wal-Mart
* walked around, browsed
* drove around a bit before coming back to Mom’s to pick Katie up

Brad is putting Katie to bed and then we’re gonna just hang out. Well, well. I tried mostly eating fruits today. Why did I do that again? I’m all bloated. My body doesn’t tolerate but just a tiny bit and I don’t know why i didn’t remember that from the last time I attempted to eat lots of fruit. SO, I’ll just make lots of FRUIT JUICE. I’m trying to find the right foods that won’t bloat me up or make me feel like crap! So far it’s only been gluten free cereal, brown rice, and veggies. So it’s back to that and trying to watch my portions. I guess the only fruit I’ll have is when I make smoothies to use up the frozen bananas I have. Baaaah!!! I hate that my body is so messed up and I can’t even eat like I used to.

I’m just determined to HEAL this. Alright, well, I’m gonna munch on somethin and go get a shower. It is soooo cold outside tonight! Gonna get up and go to church =)

I wanna

I really am determined to get as close to eating a low fat raw vegan diet that I can, except I’ll still have some steamed/cooked veggies and maybe a little brown rice with my dinner. I wish Brad and I could afford to buy tons and tons of fruits and veggies, but our budget doesn’t stretch that far. I will try this new menu out this week and see how it goes and possibly tweak it from there.

TODAY- I made a 100% on my college quiz, yipppee! Nothing else to tell for earlier today, besides making my green juice and folding + putting away laundry. We dropped Katie off at Mom’s then went to Whole Foods where I got some APPLES to eat for my dinner and a Kombucha to sip on throughout the week. The apples were sooo gooood. Stocked up on lots of fruit and some veggies at Wal-Mart, plus Brad and Katie’s foods.

When came back to Mom’s and she was sharing some hot chocolate with Katie. Well, Mom said “Alright, that’s enough” and put the hot chocolate away. Katie did NOT like that!!! She gave Mom a look and then when I told her to pick up her toys (like always on a Fridays at Mom’s), she just stood there! Then when I tried to get her to go towards the toy basket, she started crying/throwing a fit. She’s never done that at Mom’s!!! Mom thinks Katie got mad, since Mom put up the hot chocolate, lol. She would NOT pick up her toys! Mom told her if she wasn’t gonna pick up her toys, then she wouldn’t be able to play with them at her house anymore. She’s a STUBBORN girl for sure. Brought her home and put her straight to bed for acting ugly.

Brad helped me chop up my fruits! =) I think I’m gonna watch more of the reruns of the Doctor Oz show from last week… oooh and make some warm almond milk, yum!