The whole reason I wanted to try the vegan lifestyle was to see if it would help my health issues. Experiment over… I hate that I keep switching diets, but I’ll try anything to feel better. That’s what happens with experiments tho – you try this, try that, until you get something that works.

I had an online friend tell me about this Doctor who had written a book on thyroid and autoimmune disorders, so I went back to this Doctor’s website today… and I found the diet he recommends for my conditions! I have yet to find a diet that covered BOTH of the things I’m going through: Hashimoto’s AND hypothyroid. It’s very restrictive, but isn’t vegan or vegetarian. He recommends certain veggies, certain oils, fermented foods, and natural fish and meat. I WILL TRY ANYTHING TO GET BETTER.

How was your Wednesday? I spent the morning fiddling online, then settling down to read another chapter for college History. Fiddled online more. Eventually fed Katie lunch, then put her down for nap and got a hot bath. After she was back up and fed, I let her watch cartoons while I fixed my hair. Worked on my next college discussion and finished! Brad came home eventually and we headed out to Whole Foods, so I could buy some stuffffff. I got all-natural beef patties, kimchi, coconut water, coconut yogurt, and Brad got a few things. OH, and I also got an adrenal tonic. For dinner, we both had BAKED SWEET POTATO FRIES! I haven’t had those in foreverrrrrr. Brad had a turkey burger, I had the all-natural beef burger and some kimchi. The kimchi is actually pretty tasty. We’ll see how my body does with this stuff. No more fruits for now. I know… I’m such a hypocrite, but it’s all a process of trying things to see how my body reacts.

Well, we’re getting ready for bed soon! Browsing a few more sites then getting some Zzzzz’s. ALSO- using an old layout again. Will update it more later!