HAPPY FEBRUARY! Where the HECK did January go?!?! It’s soooooo insane to me that my 26th birthday will be here before I know it. GULP.

Same ole stuff today… college work and some rain outside! I attempted to call Mom twice today, but she has been busy moving stuff around to shampoo her carpets.

I AM SO EXCITED! The ladies at church have started a group called “Pursuit of Excellence” that focuses on getting healthy! I didn’t know it was about getting healthy until recently, and I joined their group on Facebook and posted something about nutrition, SO one of the ladies that started the group called me today and wants me to give a talk about nutrition at the next meeting this coming TUESDAY! I am stoked because I loooooove to talk about health/nutrition/fitness and could literally do it all day long. Same thing with religious aka The Gospel! SQUEE. I actually cannot wait… a way to get out of the house and talk to other people about one of the things that I am SUPER SUPER passionate about.

I love helping people get healthy, even with all this struggling that I’m going through. It will inspire me as well to keep moving forward. I had another day of not-so-controlled eating, but I know what I wanna do. I’m gonna go back to the food “set up” I had when I lost 10 pounds pretty quick… mostly my body is retaining water, so I need to get rid of it. I can tell something is working with my immune system because my… um.. waste is telling me so, haha. TMI, but it’s true! I don’t know if it was the strong probiotics, immune pills, or the liquid vitamins/etc I have been taking but WOOHOOO. Now if I can get my eating under control and lose the extra weight, I will be going in the direction needed.

Starting my “other” immune pills tomorrow to compare my reactions to the first ones I took a few days ago. Guess we’ll see. Feeling confident! That’s about all for tonight…. time to waste time on Tumblr! :P