I have been pretty busy today! I got up this morning with Brad at 6AM, but I don’t get out of bed until around 6:30AM, then he goes to work and I eventually go back to bed around 7:40-8AM. I meant to get up at 9AM, but woke up at 9:30AM – whoops! I quickly got up and got everything ready for the day. While Katie played this morning, I worked on my college paper a bit. She went down for nap & I did 10 minutes on the exercise bike, fixed my lunch, and got my usual hot bath + rerun OTH fix. Afterwards, I rested for about 20 minutes then up to feed Katie, fold laundry, and got her settled down with cartoons so I could read my college material and eat my yogurt snack.

This evening I worked on my college discussion and Brad came home! Fixed dinner, Brad worked on his college, and just general stuff. My turkey/veggie mix for dinner left me WAAAARM and feeling good! Dessert was 2 small blocks of my dark cacao mixed with protein powder + coconut milk. YUM! I want more, but I must resist. It’s so dumb…… If I go above a certain calorie limit, I can’t lose weight so I have to be really aware of how much I eat.

SOOOOO EXCITED ’cause once Katie is down for the night, we’re going to study some church material and THEN?! …. watch the new episode/premiere of the second half of the second season of THE WALKING DEAD!!!!! Yea! =)