First off – WELCOME TO MAY! Katie’s FOURTH birthday is on the 18th. Just wow. This year is flying by just like last year. I was determined to get stuff accomplished today and yea, I did just that. When I got out of bed this morning, I got dressed, then when Brad got up, I MADE THE BED for the first time in a long time… lol yes I know, I’m terrible. I started sorting through the bottom dresser drawer and got it all re-organized. Next up, newest SECRET LIFE EPISODE! yeah!!! I updated my LJ, then got Katie up for the morning routine. Sat down and got one of my college discussions FINISHED. I was still feeling motivated, so I sorted through Katie’s closet… her toys, clothes, etc. Now have 2 bags of donations! Re-organized her closet and got everything put back. Time for lunch! She ate, went down for nap, then I got on the exercise bike and watched my OTH rerun. I didn’t go hard, just enough to get me a little pumped up. Did that for the whole 40ish minutes of the episode. Fiddled around a bit more, then decided to take a little nap of my own! After I woke back up, I went and sat with my neighbor for a few minutes before heading back to feed Katie, fold laundry, cook dinner (for later), and get ready for Tuesday night GYM! Oh my, my, my. I burned over 3,000 calories today, according to my FitBit. That is the most I have ever seen! Brad’s ankle was bothering him a little, so he didn’t do as much as planned but he gave it his best shot and that’s what counts! WORKOUT SUMMARY >>>

warmup, 10 minutes, elliptical, 1.25 miles, 108 calories (holy cow, I was already dripping sweat after this!!!!)
calf extensions – 3X, 130lbs, 10 reps
seat leg curl – 3X, 105lbs, 10 reps
leg press – 3X, 265lbs, 10 reps
leg extensions – 3X, 115lbs, 10 reps
hip abduction – 1X, 125lbs, 10 reps
glute – 3X, 110-115-130lbs, 10 reps
squat press – 2X, ~130lbs, 10 reps
assisted pushup – till max
squats + squat jumps – till max
treadmill – 2.38 miles, 35 minutes, 260 calories
elliptical cross-trainer (standing) – 14 minutes, 2.08 miles, 110 calories

I was pretty soaked after all that! Was happy that I jogged about ~30 minutes on the treadmill then the rest slowed down for 5 minutes. Man, that standing elliptical cross-trainer glute workout was deffo a leg workout… I went in reverse and that is hard to maintain! My mouth got SO DRY while I was running that it hurt to swallow.. I eventually managed to grab a sip of water to help a bit. Watched the Biggest Loser finale while I was on the treadmill and standing elliptical – congrats on the winner! Kim looked AWESOME! After I was done with exercise, I chugged down some water then a peanut butter whey isolate protein bar that I got @ the gym. It was so good and just what I needed. Came home and been trying to re-fuel as best as I can… took some supplements since my eyes felt tight (they sometimes do after intense workouts, due to my weaker immune system and lower functioning thyroid) but I feel a bit better now. After the protein bar at the gym, at home I had: protein shake (with a banana).. waited a bit then had another banana + half a scoop protein powder, and 1/4c greek yogurt mix. Went and washed off and just ate my turkey patty, veggie, hummus, and guacamole bowl. It was soooooooo delicious.

Just….. want ……. to kick back and relax then FALL INTO BED! Yea, don’t think I can hit it THAT hard tomorrow. I would love to keep pushing it that hard, but not at the risk of crippling my still-healing immune system and thyroid. Exercise does help, but I’ve found that extreme burns can only be tolerated a bit at a time. I’m VERY HAPPY with what I did today, woot woot. I kept track of my food today and esp. after I got home to make sure I got ENOUGH food.

On a random note: it is still 79 degrees outside! At one point today I checked my weather widget and it said it was like 89 and felt like 100! Yikes. Well, that’s all for me! Have an awesomeeeeeeee night! PEACE AND LOVE!