I – FEEL – GOOD – RIGHT NOW!!!!! =)

How was your day? I got up, had my freshly juiced celery/cucumber/lemon mix, then my YUMMY cookies and cream protein shake… mmm. I fiddled on tumblr a long while, then decided to go back to sleep for a bit. Got up, fed Katie, etc and even went ahead and knocked out: washing dishes! getting laundry started earlier than usual! BOOM. It was SOOOOOO pretty outside, so I wanted to take Katie out to play for a bit AND wanted to check the mail because I was thinking my new SUPPLEMENTS might be in there, since my tracking message said it was OUT FOR DELIVERY this morning! SURE ENOUGH, I GOT THEM! Here is what I ordered: here here here. They help support the thyrid tissues, so that the thyroid can better produce hormones on it’s own when you are hypo or hyperthyroid! Anyhow, I let her play then came back in. Katie’s lunch then nap! Actually took ANOTHER small nap after a bit then went over to visit with my neighbor then came back for my snack and Katie’s snack. A bit later on I started to read an article for my college class, but man… it’s pretty hard to keep interested in it, rah. I read the first page, so I’ll read more t-MORROW. Got readyreadyready for GYM time and my lovie came home! Was kindof dragging when I got to the gym, but got going!! THUUUUUUUUURSDAY STATS coming at ya —-

WARMUP, spin bike, 13 minutes, 4.55 miles, 100 calories
leg extentions – 3X, 100lbs, 10 reps
calf extensions – 3X, 120lbs, 10 reps
lower back – till max
seated leg curls – 3X, 95lbs, 10 reps
low row – 3X, 40lbs, 15 reps
abs – till max
elliptical cross trainer (standing) – 20 minutes, 3.45 miles, 236 calories
treadmill – 30 minutes, 2.14 miles, 228 calories

The elliptical cross trainer (standing) really gets my heart rate up so that is excellent! I was feeling kindof “meh” for a bit when I first got going but I finally started feeling more pumped up towards the end! Then the TREADMILL! I usually jog around 4.0, but seems now it feels better to stay at a FASTER pace! and I remember that when I was super fit back in 2010! so I went up to 5.0 for some of the time… it is getting harder to get my heart rate up while running, unless I pick up the pace, obviously. That’s AWESOME tho. I wasn’t sure if I could jog the whole time, BUT I DID and I even went 5 more minutes than planned, woot woot. Getting better at my 1 mile time… usually is 15 minute mile, but today was just under 14 minutes. WOOT. My best time used to be a 9 minute mile. I WANT an 8 minute mile and WILL have it. Mwahahaha. Brad shared his smoothie with me again and it was HEAVENLY!!!!!!!!!!! I felt good afterwards and still feel good right now, as I stated before lol. We had to stop by Wal-Mart on the way home to pick up milk and pullups for Katie and we also got protein bars. I was hungry! Ate on the way home, got Katie, then bath + bed for her. I just ate my turkey patty bowl of mixed goodness and about to wash off and wash my HAIR! I took my new thyroid supplement today and I think that seriously is why I feel so good tonight… usually my neck feels “tight” after a workout because of my health mess, but tonight it feels ok! That’s awesome to me. We’ll see how I feel as time goes on, woot woot woot.

Had a BLAST tonight… gonna have a BLAST tomorrow and SUNDAY! =) I’m just stoked. THANKFUL, GRATEFUL, BLESSED. Peace and love to you!