HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY !!!!!!! Mother’s Day will always be special to me because Katie came the weekend after Mother’s Day. Thankful to be a Mom. Thankful for my GRANDMOTHER for being my MOM. Thankful for my MIL, too!

This is gonna be short… I didn’t get to bed until 1:30AM! Brad stayed up even later drawing me an awesome Mother’s Day picture. I love it! I also woke up at 4AM and my back was itching in places I couldn’t reach… grr and my rings on my fingers were way loose and sliding around. I couldn’t get right back to sleep, so that sucked. I got up at 6:15AM and then we eventually went to church. I don’t think Katie got enough sleep either because she threw a few fits this morning, ugh. As stated before, I didn’t have to teach the kids at church, WOOT WOOT. Got to sit in with Brad’s class and then go to the women’s meeting. We came home, fed Katie, and she FINALLY WENT DOWN FOR NAP. I ate lunch and sat down to start on my college paper. Brad fell asleep on the couch and I got my paper (mostly) done. I could of taken a nap but I thought I might feel even worse for it, so I have just stayed up all day. I took my thyroid supplement this morning and I KNOW it has helped because I have been able to keep my food IN CONTROL, even tho I haven’t had much sleep and usually when that happens I overeat because of being tired. I’m not exhausted… like where I can’t keep my eyes open, just.. my body is TIRED and needs to restore with sleep.

Anyway, we watched the latest BONES and just finished the season finale of FRINGE.. (squee!!!) and now onto GAME OF THRONES. After that, I am piling up in bed and going to sleep. Gotta be refreshed for the gym tomorrow! Plus, I’d like to feel good in the morning to just have a super awesome start to the week. Here’s to hoping! Wishing everyone a great night!