Hiiiiiiiii everyone!!! Today has been good for me! I drank my protein shake, watched the latest Secret Life episode this morning then proceeded with the morning routine. I wanted to take Katie outside, so after her potty time we went out to an area near the front of the apartment complex where I let her play. I took my iPad, bluetooth keyboard, mp3 player, headphones, a basket (to put my iPad and keyboard on lol), my snack for later, scripture study stuff, and we headed out! There was still morning dew on the grass, so I sat by the dirt/hay area. I got a little of my college stuff done then studied scriptures for a bit, while listening to The Killers! It was actually kindof cool outside to me.. esp. with the sun behind the clouds but later on, the SUN came out and it felt sooooooooooo nice. I basked in the sun and Katie played and run up and down the hill, up and down the hill. I ate my snack at noon and we came in around 12:40pm or so. I brought her home to eat then down for nap. I actually didn’t take a nap today! I did lay down for like… maybe 5ish minutes haha. Went to talk to my neighbor for a little bit before coming back to get things gathered up, as usual for the evening! My hunny bunny came home, dropped Katie off and GYM GYM GYM! The SUMMARY >>>

warmup, elliptical cross trainer (standing) – 12 minutes, 2.06 miles, 130 calories
assisted drip/chin – 3X, 85lbs, 10 reps
tricep pulldown – 3X, 25lbs, 10 reps
bicep curl – 3X, 30lbs, 10 reps
pectoral rear – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
bicep curl (diff machine) – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
tricep extensions – 3X, 45lbs, 10 reps
pullup bicep curls – 1X, 15lbs, 10 reps
back extension – 3X, 150-135lbs, 10 reps
back – 3X, till max
** dumbells **
clean lift press – 20lbs, till max
shrugs – 20lbs, till max
bent over row – 10lbs, till max
** /end dumbells **
virtual bike – 24 minutes, 5.43 miles, 211 calories
stair stepper – 23 minutes, 74 floors, 215 calories

YEEEHOOO. Man, I love the burn of a good workout, whether it’s for ARMS or LEGS! The virtual bike was still hard, but it’s getting a *tad* bit easier than it used to be. It still REALLY works my legs and thighs. I loooooove the stair stepper and it really has me DRIPPING sweat. Brad got a smoothie and came over while I was on the stair stepper and let me have a sip. Overall, a good night at the gym!!! We had to go pick up a few things from Wal-Mart, so we did that and….. here I am! I had my banana/protein powder/yogurt mess on the way to Wal-Mart and just ate my turkey bowl mix. I was ready to eat it too! I know you’re supposed to allow like 3 hours of digestion before bed but yeah.

I’m gonna wash off, finish updating my LJ and get some SLEEP. Maybe since I didn’t take a nap today I’ll have good sleep tonight …… ???? Maybe! Wishing everyone a peaceful night. PEACE AND LOVE! =)