Yea… when I get my heart rate up in the 180’s @ the gym it makes me feel drained. That’s what happened from last night’s treadmill time, so now I know. I was gonna go back to sleep this morning for a bit, but I got sucked into fiddling with Facebook and reading blogs, lol. Before I knew it – time had passed and it was time to get Katie up. She was on the potty and I sat down on the couch… was so tired! I almost dozed off a few times. I was trying to decide if I just wanted to stay inside or take her out or what. Decided to take her out for a bit to play like we have been doing. We went to our same spot outside and I sat against a tree, listened to my mp3 player, studied scriptures, and just enjoyed being outside!!! =) Fast forward and Katie went down for nap and after I ate lunch I went down for a nap too. I really, really needed it. I have GOT to remember how important sleep is as far as restoring my health. I need those extra naps during the day, since we get to bed so late AND so I can have/feel enough energy for the gym. After my nap I went to talk to my neighbor before coming back to do this & that before GYM TIME!!! Waited in my lovie… speaking of him, he applied for a job within his current company and he has his second interview MONDAY!!!!!!! I’m so excited for him! WOOT. Off to the gym we went…. STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical cross trainer (standing) – 11 minutes, 2.03 miles, 126 calories
low row – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
chest press – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
fixed pulldown – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
tricep extension – 3X, 45lbs, 10 reps
seated row – 3X, 50lbs, 15 reps
tricep pulldown – 2X, 12.5lbs, 10 reps
** free weights **
bent over row, shrugs, bicep curls, bent over row with tricep kickbacks, overhead should press, pinwheel – all 10lbs till max!
** /end free weights **
mountain climber – 25 minutes, 1 mile, 235 calories
stair stepper – 21 minutes, 75 floors, 207 calories

Really enjoyed the free weight bent over rows! Never tried the mountain climber machine before… actually, I don’t know if *that* is actually what it’s called but that’s what I call it, lol. Really worked up a sweat! Also, it started POURING rain, high wind, and even hail while I was on that machine. It finally cleared up outside. Went to the machine beside the mountain climber – stair stepper! I love that machine. Both really work up a sweat! My heart rate stayed right around 150-160, so nothing extreme but high enough for a great burn. I needed something a bit less intense… however, those machines were still working on my lower body!!! That’s what I need tho! Gotta BURN OFF the extra JELLY on my thighs and butt. Brad got a muscle milk protein drink afterwards and I had a few sips of that then I got a FREEEEEEE smoothie, since our punch card filled up. I got a new blend that they just started for summer – it was passion fruit, oranges, and guava with whey protein, fat burner boost, and a multi-vitamin boost. It was really good. I LOOOOOOVE THEIR SMOOTHIES! Not sure how many calories were in it but prob atleast 400, so it left me pretty full. I didn’t eat my turkey patty mix since I had the smoothie… I’ll save the turkey mix for tomorrow evening. We came back to get Katie, who got BIRTHDAY PRESENTS from my neighbor’s friend today… aww. My neighbor’s friend got her a variety of neat little things. Brad had college stuff to finish, so I bathed Katie and put her to bed tonight, instead of him.

She will be FOUR tomorrow! Well, soon. Actually, she was born at 12:13PM so yeah, lol. Four years.. my goodness. Motherhood has not been easy for me, but I love her a lot. It still is amazing to think that she is me + Brad. =)

Anyway, I’m so glad tomorrow is a rest day and that we get to go out and about! Gonna buy BIRTHDAY STUFF for Katie!!! Will prob give her our stuff either tomorrow night or Saturday then we’re gonna have a little party at my Mom’s house Sunday after church! I might be buying a new weight scale that measures body fat too, instead of buying the body fat device like at the gym. Also, about to run out of my multi-vitamin stuff…. gotta keep that stocked up to keep my health stable! I’m thankful for another day. Thankful for The Gospel and my Heavenly Father! Goodnight.