Sunday SUMMARY :
– woke up at 5AM, went back to sleep… Brad was gonna wake me up at 6:15AM but went ahead and got up at 6AM
– church went very well! I love The Gospel. I’m so thankful for everything Heavenly Father has given me.
– Brad dyed my hair dark blonde (again) after Katie went down for nap
– Brad and Katie got to take loooong naps & what did I have to do?…
– attempt to stay awake and work on my college paper outline
– Katie got back up and I dragged out some other toys for her to play with that she hasn’t in a long time, which seemed to keep her entertained.
– had a snack, cooked our dinner for later
– wanted to go visit Mom, so woke Brad up at 6pm and took off on my bike!! =)

I miss going and visiting with my Mom once a week like I used to do. I’ll try to do it on Sunday afternoons when I can. Mom said her blood pressure has been really high all day and when she told me the numbers!!!!!!! 230/140. WHAAAAAAAAT. She said this morning when she sat down stuff was floating. Um yea, Mom, that’s NOT GOOOOOOD. Me and my Aunt told her to CALL THE DOC AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT. Those numbers = death!! SHEESH. Rode back home and now I’m eating my turkey mix! NOM NOM. Pretty soon I’ll eat my usual late night apple/yogurt/protein powder snackie. Brad might help me put the highlights in my hair tonight!!

I feel content. Bring on this week!!! =)