I do not feel well at all… =( I need August 1st to be here already. Anyway, I stayed up late talking to my best friend on the phone for a long time!! It was nice, since we hadn’t talked like that in forever. I wasn’t that sleepy when we got off the phone at almost 2AM, but I went to bed.

It was the usual stuff today. Y’know… college paper, Katie coloring in her coloring books for a long time, listening to music, and then visiting with my neighbor later. I took it way easy at the gym. STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes
leg extension – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
glute – 2X, 50lbs, 10 reps
calf extension – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
hip abduction – 3X, 190lbs, 10 reps
hip adduction – 3X, 190lbs, 10 reps
stationary bike – 18 minutes, 1.87 miles

Ummm, ate a protein bar afterwards then came home earlier than usual. I gave Katie a bath and got her ready for bed, since Brad was doing college work. He rocked her and put her to bed. Got to talk to my best friend again on the phone tonight. I ate my usual turkey mix, but I feel nauseous…

Yea. Well, i’m out. Thankful, grateful, and blessed for my life.