Wow, another day that went by swiftly!!! Up this morning, drank my protein shake, and watched the latest SECRET LIFE! Even Brad watched a bit of it before work, lol. Went back to sleep for a bit then got up, ate, and got my first college discussion done and Katie played. When I was done with that I cleaned our rat’s cage, washed dishes, fixed Katie’s lunch to eat at Mom’s, and got everything ready!! We headed out with my neighbor around 1:45pm.

Dropped Katie off at Mom’s then we were off to the Endodontist! Neighbor dropped me off and went back home till I was done. Filled out paperwork, paid co-pay, and waited for the hygentist to come get me. She was very, very nice! Did an x-ray of tooth #14 and of my whole mouth too. The Doc came in and let me just say… he was just as handsome in person as in his picture, haha!!! =) He’s a younger guy – MAYBE 30, or not even. Anyway, we talked about the tooth then he got me set up and got going with the root canal. He took x-rays a few times to make sure everything looked alright and it did. Last 10 minute step was the temporary filling that was placed and then I was done!!! Of course I was numb all the way up to my left eye, lol. The hygenist gave me 600mg ibprofen and said to take that or advil, tylenol, etc for the pain. No prob! I got the Endodontist’s card, in case I had any concerns and wanted to call him. Went to the outter hallway to call my neighbor to come get me. It was POURING rain when I got done! I had to dash for the car and get in quick. However, by the time we traveled five minutes down the road, there was no rain haha.

Came back to Mom’s, picked up Katie, came home, fed her a snack, and then she played and played. I was really happy she was being good as well. Brad came home eventually and I told him about my day and later on I fed Katie dinner and set up with an episode of Sesame Street. I steamed some veggies and boiled some carrots to have on hand then went to take a bath. Not long after that I set up Katie’s bath and now Brad is getting her bathed and then of course bed time for her.

The numbness is almost completely gone and I do feel a bit of the soreness, but I’m fine with it. My neighbor was SHOCKED they didn’t give me pain meds or antibiotics. Uh…. I’m fine with that! I actually feel realllllllllly laid back and content. It’s a NICE feeling. All I’ve taken is the ibprofen, so I know it has to do with removing the burden of an open tooth infection and decay from my mouth (for about 5 years…) that I know was having some sort of negative impact on my general health, especially since my body is so sensative with this autoimmune. OH, and so I gotta try to chew on the other side of my mouth until I go back to my dentist (which I’m hoping to go this coming Monday) and then I can get my temp crown and then permanent crown.

As I think more about my situation – I need to cut back on calories, eat foods that are VERY EASILY digested, eat simple, drink plenty of water, take my supplements, and I KNOW that will help me. Making it easier for my body to digest is going to be a BIG play in all this. It’s not so much about BEING STRICT.. It’s more about making digestion as easy on my heavy burdened body as possible. Also, I started taking Miralax today to help move things along and once I do get ummm movement I’ll start taking the detox powder that I bought to help encourage ALL the toxins in my digestive tract to go byeeeeebyee!! YES PLEASE. I want that more than anything. I’ll stick to a lower calorie, low fat, easily digestable diet until I see improvement in how I feel and how things are digesting and go from there. I think worrying about EVERY LITTLE THING I eat does not help my situation and I seriously don’t think that is the case. I just think my digestion is severely messed up and I need to take those measures to help my body run at a better rate.

I’m happy tonight…… I can’t wait to get rest though because I know my body needs it after today’s stuff. Time to relax and watch Dawson’s Creek reruns!!! *SQUEEEEEEEE* I’m excited to be re-watching DC and I’m just as excited now as I was when I first watched it. Heh. Last night’s rerun that I watched was where Jack posed nude for Joey, lmfao. LOVE IT. Okieeeeeee have a great night and BE POSITIVE. It DOES MATTER!!! =)