Well, my throat felt a little sore last night and a bit this morning and throughout the day. Yea, that usually happens when I try to back off my calories with this autoimmune. I’ve had that happen plenty of times since 2010 or so. Today was a busy, yet accomplishing day! After my morning nap and breakfast, I put on some laundry then sat down to work on college. I had to fix the chart that was on my discussion and that took a while then I had to make sure everything else was just right. Fed Katie lunch then put her down for nap. My dentist called so I called them back and got an appointment for this coming Tuesday to start the process to get the crown on my tooth. It got realllllly dark outside – dun dun dun. I ate then researched more stuff about Hashimoto’s before heading over to help my neighbor clean her house. By the time I got done, it was time to come back and cook our dinner for later, like usual. I folded 2 loads of clothes and then Brad came home. He didn’t have that great of a day and he said traffic was horrible too… and he’s still not in the brightest of moods, even after the gym. Dropped Katie off and went to the gym! I went easy since I knew I shouldn’t push it. STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes
leg extension – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
calf extension – 3X, 70lbs, 10 reps
glute – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
hip adduction – 3X, 170lbs, 10 reps
hip abduction – 3X, 170lbs, 10 reps
bike – 30 minutes

We came back a bit early so Brad could get his college work started. I’m about to go get Katie, give her a bath, and put her to bed. Then I’m gonna eat my dinner and probably watch….. THE VOW! I have been wanting to see it forever and with our *awesome* hookup with an xfinity online account I get to see lots of movies I have been wanting to see!!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT. I might just watch a bunch of movies tomorrow! Sounds like an AWESOME plan to me.

With the research I’ve done since I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s – I heard about a certain food plan that helps with autoimmune/hypothyroid. I’ve been thinking about doing that for a long time, but haven’t been 100% willing to be that strict. I am now. I’m gonna also do a 4 day food rotation, to where I don’t have the same foods every day. I honestly think that was part of the thing that set off my immune system – was eating the same thing for months and months and months, seeing as I’ve probably had Hashimoto’s most of my life and not known it because I’ve had symptoms of it throughout my life, but the serious symptoms didn’t come about until late 2009 and eating the same thing over and over and over again with a body like mine is not good. We’ll see what happens. I just want to feel great again. I’m working on it. People have cured their Hashimoto’s and I CAN TOO. I just need to commit to this food plan and follow the 4 day food rotation. I CAN DO THIS!

Anyway, off to get things done so I can sit down and watch THE VOW! I’m a SUCKER for movies like that. After all, my fav movie IS The Notebook. I know, I know… just like millions of other women out there hahaha. Hope everyone has a great night. Just always remember that we can change our health for the better if we take our health into our own hands and give our body what it needs to heal! Going through all this I might want to become a holistic Doctor some day!!