AHHHH-HOOOO! The Honda Civic Tour with Linkin Park and Incubus was SO. AWESOME.

Forgot to post yesterday and we didn’t get home until after midnight, so yeah. Back up! Sunday was very nice!!! It had rained a bit that morning and I wanted to drive, SO I DID. Drove to church and everything went lovely as usual for the church meetings and such. Thankfully Katie was good the first hour. After church I drove home too! Brad says I need to work on maintaining lane, speed, and parking but I’m getting there. Just gotta keep up the practice and keep facing that nervousness/fear. Anyway, we came home, Katie ate then went down for nap. I WAS SO HAPPY because this was the first Sunday in a long while that I didn’t have to do ANYTHING college related, wahooo! Brad and I were both really tired, so we took naps and then I got up so I could get my food ready to take with me. Brad did his college quiz then I got Katie up, ready, and she went to my neighbor’s to stay for the afternoon and evening.

We got our tickets, directions, linkin park / incubus mix CD to play, my food, purse, and then we were ON THE ROAD TO THE CONCERT! WOOP WOOP. The drive was actually very smooth and went well! We got to the parking section and parked in the underground parking. The walk to the gates was quite a walk and it was kindof hot, but it was exercise! We waited in line for a pretty long while and they checked my purse. Got up to the front, scanned our tickets, got a free civic neck-thingy, with a booklet about the bands, and we walked around to the different stands. T-shirts… $40. Yea, figured but I wanted one so badly! Anyway, we finally took a seat and eventually the show started! The pre-band was a band I’d never heard of, but they were alright.

THEN THE AWESOMENESS THAT WAS BRANDON BOYD AND INCUBUS CAME TO THE STAGE. Oh my goodness, Brandon you do NOT DISAPPOINT. By the end he was shirtless! WOOO-HOOO. Yes, his voice is just as awesome live as I had heard. He truly, truly has awesome talent. *siiiiighs happily*

Most of the people were there to see the main event – Linkin Park! Their stage set was EPIC. Chester and Mike? EPIC. I was truly impressed at how they kept up the intensity and Chester’s ability to just keep screaming and screaming, lol. Loved it! They blew up the venue, for sure. I ALSO got to see Chester shirtless and I have to say he has a nice bod, just like Brandon. By the end of the show Chester was literally drenched in sweat! I know all that screaming and jumping around had to be a hardcore workout, lol.

They ended and we just waited a bit. Holy cow, the trash was unbelievable. People are so disrespectful. Lots of drunks, of course. It took us foreverrrrr to get out of the underground parking and Brad even got out to hold up the line for someone who was parked beside us, who had been waiting to get in line forever. So sweet of him to help someone out! <3 The drive home was good too and we saw 2 different incidents where people were pulled over by cops and there were tow trucks! Tsk tsk. We got home after midnight and Katie was still awake… my my. Took her home, put her to bed, and Brad and I were still kindof wound up, so we relaxed for a bit and went to bed!

Here we are… Monday! I start a new college online course tomorrow and ALSO, Brad said his work is desperate to get someone for his last job and they want me! I can never be an official employee of the company because Brad is and a husband/wife cannot be within the same company, apparently. However, I can remain a temp, so I’m waiting on a phone call back. This was thrown out of nowhere this morning, lol. STUFF IS HAPPENING SO FAST! I know Heavenly Father is paving the way for wonderful things in my life and I cannot fear, but just hold steadfast to my faith and believe !!!!! And I will!

Another thing – still doing well on the health front! I deffo am feeling a bit better than I did, so just gonna keep at it. Alright, gonna wait for that phone call! Also was wanting to call my Mom and tell her all the excellent news and prob gonna watch the Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition tonight, since I didn’t get the chance to this morning.

I’M MOVING FORWARD WITH MY LIFE and letting Heavenly Father guide me through all these good changes! =) Have an excellent (rest of the) day and may you let your faith guide you in your life as well! Keep your thoughts positive and believe that EVERYTHING will work out. <3