How was your Tuesday? Moving along with the week!!! I didn’t do too much this morning, except I got one of my college discussions DONE. Katie played in her room and then I fed her lunch & she went down for nap. I did more research on Candida and what my online Holistic Doc had told me last year. I didn’t have that much knowledge on it last year, but I know a lot more now than I did then. I talked to my neighbor for a bit and then came back to get Katie up so she could eat her snack. Brad came home, Katie went with my neighbor, and guess what? WE WENT TO THE GYM! Oh, and Brad bought me a cute mug with lots of LOVE stuff on it, heh. I love it. So yeah, the gym! STATS >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes
tricep pulldown – 3X, 20lbs, 10 reps
pectoral fly – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
bicep curls – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
rear deltoid – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
low row – 3X, 40-55lbs, 10 reps
treadmill – 25 minutes, 1.38 miles, 119 calories

We are gonna stick to our gym routine now that we’re all better and things are moving along! We stopped by Whole Foods before we went to the gym cause I wanted to buy some oil of oregano to help battle this imbalance in my body and it made me feel good! I feel decent right now too! We came home, I got Katie’s bath ready, brought her back & into the tub then went back to help my neighbor give some meds to her kitty. Got a bit scratched up, but that’s ok, lol.

Alright, well gotta gooooo. Gonna get a bath then chill out before bed time! I’m excited and blessed!