Well, TMI, but I got my Paragard IUD removed after 3 1/2 years because I honestly think it may have been linked to my health imbalances. So it went byebye Tuesday… good riddance.

Nothing much else has been going on, really. I’ve been having more off symptoms that have left me feeling a bit meh, so I’m trying to really sort out what foods are doing that to me. My church friend came over again Monday and then Brad wanted to help buy this person a few things for their apartment so he and another church friend took our friend to the store that evening. They were so grateful and I’m so happy we got to help them out.

I bought the next expansion for Lord of the Rings Online… Helm’s Deep! It’s awesome, so I’ve been enjoying that and keeping up with college. Our heat isn’t working right so gotta get Brad to see if he can get it to work tonight. If not, then I’ll have to call the front office. Ugh. I guess I’ll just have to keep my jacket on for extra warmth.

Katie’s off all next week from school for Thanksgiving! Brad is off Thursday and Friday then he’ll have the whole weekend off as usual.

I’m so very thankful for everything Heavenly Father has given me!!!