Today has been a busy, yet unforgettable day! This morning I got Katie on the bus then ate breakfast and started going over the driving maneuvers bit by bit to make sure I knew them. A bit later I talked to Mom and got a hold of my Aunt to ask her to get Katie from the bus since I’d be gone for the driving test. I laid down for a bit of a nap then got up, got a bath, ate lunch, then tried to get online but the Internet had been out for a while for some reason so I just went over the driving steps for the parallel parking and 3-point turn again. Time was going by pretty quick… before I knew it it was after 2PM and I knew Brad would be coming in soon. He got home around 2:30pm and we were gonna practice a few things in the parking lot (which BTW we did practice in our parking lot last night and one of the parallel parking attempts that I did was perfect!) but we decided just to head out. Cut to later and I passed!

I’ll tell more about the story tomorrow, as I still have stuff to do and it’s getting late. I did go to a church meeting and got a ride from another friend from church and had a great time talking about goal setting and health and fitness – which I love of course!! Awesome time, but I got home way later than expected and hadn’t had anything to eat since 5:15 or so and I ate just after 10pm.

Today was awesome. Oh oh and we might get snow tomorrow!! Got a call tonight from the county saying that all schools are letting out 2 hours early tomorrow because of the winter weather advisory and being weary of conditions. We’ll see what happens! I’ll continue my story tomorrow! Super happy about today, for sure!