Well hey! Sup! I currently just sat down my dinner and feel AWESOME. Listening to Breaking Benjamin too <3 I swear, they are tied as my favorite band, along with the epicness that is INCUBUS! Katie finally lost her wiggly upper left tooth (one beside the two top) yesterday and It had been loose for what seems like months! She said she was eating her sandwich at lunch yesterday and felt it fall into her mouth and she took it out! I’m surprised she didn’t accidentally swallow it but yay! The nurse gave her the little tooth shaped holder. Also, Katie’s class is doing a special presentation on Brazil tomorrow, so I told Brad about it while he was at work and he stopped by his specialty Brazilian shop and bought some goodies for the class tomorrow! Hah, he’s awesome! I scheduled hair cuts for myself and Katie this Saturday!!! Also, getting my hair colored again, since my highlights are halfway gone. Time to get bright almost blonde again!!! Think I want a little red or pink tips too. YEEE. I want a tan too. This week has been good thus far and we got our taxes Wednesday, woohoo. I’ve got a list of things we need to buy and then we’re still looking for an apartment or house to rent, plus some type of used car for me. I’m gonna make SURE this year rocks. OH, I also found a work from home health coach type job and thinking of applying.. I would make almost as much as Brad. I gotta try! Alright, time to finish dinner, study scriptures, and watch some shows before LOTRO <3 gaming time!!!