I went to bed after positing my entry last night… I usually wait until midnight or a little after but no way, I was ready to sleep. Brad and I usually rub/scratch each other before bed so he came back for a bit to do that then wanted to stay up. Katie’s stomach was off since Friday for some reason- it was either what she ate at my Mom’s Thursday night or a tiny stomach bug. Said she went to the bathroom 2 times at school and that “It was like throw up poop” LOL. Aka looser stools hahahah. When I zonked out last night and Brad stayed up- well, Katie woke up at about 2AM and said she had to go to the bathroom but already had accidentally went in her pullup (she still wears them at night) and Brad said it was soooooo bad to clean up haha. She was able to go again once she got up but he got her all cleaned, powdered, and put back to bed. She hasn’t had any problem since then so hopefully it’s passed with that but now… her throat is hurting. Ugh.

I got up this morning at 8AM but decided to drift back off to sleep a bit more… so got up about 8:23AM then took my thyroid meds. I eventually ate breakfast and got Katie up, fed, and then laid back down for a nap again a bit later, even though I had slept quite a bit. Well, I did wake up at about 4:15AM with my usual left leg pain but got up to use the bathroom and that seems to help. So yeah, had my nap then lunch and Katie’s lunch. Was just a chill day since it was much colder outside. After our afternoon snacks I started with cleaning! I love the extra energy that 2nd trimester pregnancy has given me- woohoo!!! Washed dishes, cleaned the countertops, gathered up the trash (Brad took it out!), washed and folded 2 loads of clothes, and finally organized the supplements shelf in our laundry room, which I’ve been wanting/meaning to do for a looong time and it looks great! Had my favorite gluten free supreme pizza for dinner, YUM! Lit my Christmas-y candle that’s in the kitchen and *finally* caught up on all my YouTube vlogs since I was still behind from going out of town for Thanksgiving. Feeling accomplished! Brad gave Katie one of my old Goosebump books to read this evening and she is already almost done! Our little book worm. And little Ben has been kicking and squirming away today, heh. He’s been really high up too! <3 Our little man. Katie just got a bath and is now in bed, so I’m gonna post this, play some LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online- my fav!), and eventually eat my usual evening chocolate ice cream! =) Have an excellent Saturday evening <3