Aww, yay! I’m 6 weeks pregnant today!!! My lower abdomen is starting to bump out just a tiny but how exciting!!! I love to go and read about what’s going on with the baby each week as it grows. :-D

What I’m not too impressed about is that the Doctor I was wanting to see – which is the closest Doctor to us (about 35 minutes away) will not see any patients until they are 12 weeks, ugh!!! I was hoping to get seen before then! I want to know ASAP that everything is alright with my tiny baby! I figured up 12 weeks and that will be the day after Christmas for me. We will probably be in Georgia at that time so I would have to reschedule for January, even later!!! Ugh, ugh. We could go for the other Doctor but it’s much further away and with gas as high as it is, would cost us much more money, espically later in the pregnancy when I would need to go to appointments more often. SO I dunno. That other Doc might not see patients until 12 weeks as well, not sure.

I was hoping to get to hear my babys heart soon! What a bummer!