I’m glad to say that I’ve had a very good day and It has gone by quite fast! My best friend called me today for the first time in months!!! We have been friends since 6th grade but the last few years we haven’t had a lot of contact with another so I was quite surprised when I saw her name on my phone today! Shes living with her Mom right now and apparently she’s 7 weeks pregnant!!! I really hope we stay more in touch now than in the past because shes always been a close friend to me but is quite different from me with her lifestyle but I still love her as my dear friend. I’m praying one day she will choose a better lifestyle for herself and her children. I can only pray.

I’m currently watching America’s Got Talent on the online NBC channel! It’s the finale episode – I didn’t keep up with it this year. We usually watch it every summer and follow along but just didn’t this year. We watched the last episode of the Tudors Season 3 last night so we’re all caught up with that now. Not sure what we’re gonna watch tonight. Possibly our Netflix movie but I can’t think of the name of it. Tomorrow night starts the new season of THE OFFICE!!! So excited for Jim and Pam! :luv: