And I am back for another highlight and recap of my last week or so!

– Last Saturday I cleaned house then we went out for pet stuff and a few groceries
– Sunday was church, plus coming home to get more stuff done, then had church people come over & I went to Mom’s for usual card playing
– Katie has been coming home early this week because of conference week! home at 1pm, instead of 3pm.
– Tuesday was very very busy! I went to my Naturopath appointment, where I got papers for new thyroid labs to be done then we went to browse around Kroger & came back home before it was time to go to Katie’s school for our parent/teacher conference. My Mom/Aunt picked Katie up from the bus. We got Katie’s report card and she is so smart!!! They are graded 1-3, 3 being the highest and she got mostly 3’s and no 1’s!!! Her only problem is being distracted by the other kids at her table, so the teacher suggested that she may move her to a table by herself to help her refocus and so far that has worked! We left and went to get my blood drawn for my thyroid labs… drove all the way out there and they said we owed money from 2011?! What in the??? Well, we drove back home – dealt with that then drove back and I got the blood drawn. Gah.
– Yesterday I was starting to get some stuff for church done then the church missionaries wanted me to go with them at 4:30pm, but I didn’t have a ride at first, so I was on edge about that all day and that didn’t help me health-wise. In the end, however, a brother from church came with the missionary and picked me up. I’m so happy I got to go out and talk to someone about The Gospel. However, I ended up waiting too long to eat then having to rush home to a million things before Katie’s bath/bed time so that realllllly threw me off.

TODAY IS MY DOWN DAY, for sure. I have a little college to finish, need to wash my hair, and continue writing church letters. Also, my Naturopath emailed me about the thyroid test results and my numbers (both T4 and T3) are going up! Good news, except I still feel like poo. I’m taking thyroid meds, taking supplements to help with my low cortisol, yet I still am having symptoms and complications. The only other option is to change my food intake. Yea… I know I need to because I eat way too many carbs. The problem IS my food intake. It’s so hard tho to wean away from carbs/sugar because I just feel so terrible when I attempt, but it’s my onlllllly option if I want to fully heal and be able to reach fitness/weight loss/etc goals. I’ve only fully had success with getting away from the carbs/fruit/sugar ONE TIME in the last few years because I just fought through the fatigue/cravings/irritability that comes with getting rid of the carbs and sugar. I felt terrible for two weeks then felt wonderful, until I gave into carbs again. My gut is in such a mess and I want to feel energetic again. I usually have wonderful motivation and willpower, but when it comes to feeling like THIS when trying to cut down then rid of carbs/sugar? It is literally TORTURE because I feel all sorts of bad symptoms and just don’t know what to do with myself when I feel that way! I’ll get through it, but this time there will be NO going back because I’m determined more than ever. I’m tired of staying in this cycle of lower energy, gut problems, etc etc. This is not where I am meant to be!!! I wanna be able to do soooooo much more than I can right now energy wise. I thought oh, well maybe if the thyroid levels were more balanced that would fix my problem? Thyroid levels are better… nope, still not feeling the way I should! Oh, maybe it’s the low cortisol, but I’ve been taking stuff for that too, so it is my food choices.

I’ve made a list and will start to wean down from the carbs/sugar then hold on for the ride. I may just want to stay in a corner for two weeks, but I will put one foot in front of the other and make it. Anyway, it got COLD TOO. BRRR.

Hope everyone has an excellent Halloween! Brad is helping my neighbor move this weekend so that should be interesting. I’m gonna try to take it easy and rest up. I’ll post progress about my health and food situation.