WOOT! We are now living in our new apartment! I believe Monday night was the first night we actually slept here at the apartment, I think.

Tons of things to talk about. I’m still in the process of setting things up and will be for quite some time. Our apartment is so lovely!!!! :) I’m so happy with it. We’ve got so much more room than we did at the trailor. Much more brighter and the air is clear and crisp. Best of all — we stay cool and not hot all the time anymore!!! :grinny:

Brad’s Mom has been SOOOO awesome to us. She bought me a new pair of pants and a new shirt!!!!!! Here’s a list of awesome stuff she’s bought us: new bookcase, little wooden magazine holder, cute oval coffee table, little picture frame that says “i love you” with a heart, big outside trash can, 2 BIG brand new rugs, grippy material to line the bottom of my kitchen cabinets with, new blinds for our HUGE living room window and LOTS of other things as well!!! I’m so grateful.
Also, Brad’s Grandmas sister was trying to sell her computer desk and recliner. Well, Brad’s Mom bought those from her FOR US! And ironically, the computer desk is IDENTICAL to mine, cept of course it’s pratically BRAND NEW! WOOOT. The recliner is SO COMFY. She said when she first bought that she gave $600 for it! :shocked:

I’ve just been working and working to set things up. So far, I think I’ve done a great job of organizing and keeping it neat. Thursday was pretty good. Since we’ve been living here, I still get up with Brad and when he goes to work, I eat my breakfast, take care of Dax then go back to sleep for a few hours. Get up, make the bed, take care of the rest of the animals and then I get online for a few to check sites then start setting up the apartment more. That’s basically been my schedule.

Thursday, after Brad came home, we dropped off movies we rented at Movie Gallery then went to Fred’s. Fred’s dollar store is AWESOME. Just plain awesome!!! Brad’s Mom gave us a $25 gift card so I got a Swiffer Wetjet mop, 2 little decorate plants in a pot, fake vines to hang on our bathroom mirror, bought a little container to hold our q-tips, got some 2 liter drinks and a loaf of bread. Earlier tonight, I took the big mirror Mom gave me and Brad hot glued the fake vine to the top of the mirror then hung it in our bathroom! IT’S SO CUTE. I’m so giddy about fixing this place up nicely. CAN’T WAIT to have it all set up!

As for the rest of our belongings at the trailor — we still have to bring over some dishes, shoes, clothes, sheets, blankets, our big bedroom dresser and then everything in our storage room at the trailor but we’ll bring the storage boxes over a little at a time.
Anything else you guys wanna know about it? Once I get the place a little bit more in place I’ll take lots of pictures!

Okiiiiiie time to eat my leftover CHINESE from din-din then maybe a little ice cream! I’m also gonna work more on this site and convert more content pages into WP-pages so look for those updates!!! Hope everyone has an AWESOME weekend!!!!!!! Brad and I are gonna go shopping then Saturday and Sunday his Dad’s side is having a family reunion we’re gonna go to and each day after the reunion, we’re gonna go to the trailor and load more to bring to the apartment! I think I’m gonna try to get back into the habit of posting every day, just maybe!! OH OH OH OH, biggest happy news: WE NOW HAVE DSL!!! It came Wednesday afternoon! I also reformatted my computer and reinstalled before the DSL came so now my puter runs more smoothly and and and.. DSL!!!! WOOT!

DSL OWNS. :cool: