(again, taken from my livejournal)

Helllllo everyone! So it seemed today Brad had a plan that he announced to me this evening. He’s getting really tired of his job at Tiffin’s. He says that it’s getting very tedious? umm.. repetative. Plus he says they talk to him like he’s a POS and there’s no one in his age range that works up there so he got pretty upset this evening over that.
His idea? Well, was to see about switching jobs to the place where most of his friends work, which is a place called Client Logic. Basically it’s a call-in tech place for computers and stuff. Brad had the idea that we could both work there and together we’d make about $14 an hour. Sounds like an interesting deal.. few pros and cons for me though. First, the PROS. I CAN KEEP MY PIERCINGS!!! Rock on. Plus, working there you can pretty much wear everyday clothes. Another extra plus. Brad and I would be working at the same place, probably same hours. Roughly I think.. It’ll be like from 8AM-4PM, which, ain’t too bad. The place isn’t too far away, which is good.
Now.. the dreaded CONS. I have never been good at talking on the phone. Just isn’t something I would really like to do all the time. A little bright side to it though, maybe this job would help me with that. Course with any job there’s always the con part where the days fly by and you always have this, this, this and this to do and by the time you turn around it’s bed time and then it starts all over again. Nother kindof bad thing would be.. I would sit on my butt all day long at this job. I know I do that now but it wouldn’t help my weight any. Again, there’s a little brighter side – Brad and I could go to the gym a few days a week to help keep in shape and have a job that lets you sit all the time, hah.
When I first got to thinking about careers.. well, I like animals AND computers BUT with computers, you sit a lot and I’d like a job that keeps me moving and stuff but I figure course I can still go for that animal career job but gotta make with the money and education first. Client Logic has an insurance plan, where it will cover/pay for us to go for doc’s appointments and all, which is good. They also will pay to let you go to college for working there! An extra plus.

I dunno, guess I’m just a bit skeptical about it. Seeing as if I do go for this job – it’ll be my very first REAL job and another plus, I’LL HAVE MY OWN MONEY and that’s something i will be damn happy about. I AM ready to get a job and get out there but it’s just a little scary. Kindof like a hermit crab coming out it’s shell into a new one, hah. With money, we’ll have a good amount with both of us working and I know me myself, am going to start saving money to just put away. I doubt Brad would do that on his own. Sure, maybe If I TOLD him to put money away to save then he would but otherwise, he blows it. Again, If I do go for this.. I hope I like it. If not.. then I’m gonna be in a bit of a predicament. Figure, we’ll split the money for bills and groceries, then the rest is ours.
Anyhow, Brad plans on taking us out there tomorrow to fill out applications. One of Brad’s friends who works there, Matt, says that he’s pretty sure their hiring ATM. I’m way nervous but ah well. Once we puts in an application at Client Logic, Brad’s gonna put in a 2 week notice at Tiffins and work that time out then switch to Client Logic. I’m not quite sure how to process it all at the moment. Hm.

On another subject: Abby’s pooping and peeing in the kitchen again, everyday. *SIGH* I had JUST cleaned up some pee/poop in the kitchen this morning and not 10 minutes later, she pooped in the corner. I was so FLIPPING mad so I put her in her cage. She’s been in there ever since. I let her out to eat and go outside but that’s about it. I’m SICK of it. And once we both start working, I don’t know what we’re gonna do. Nobody’s gonna be home to let her outside so we may just have to get rid of her. Hate to say it but it’s probably gonna happen.
Well, Brad and I watched more of the Buffy: Season 2 DVD set!!! Getting towards the end where it gets very dark and very, very sad. Excited to watch the rest and then get to Season 3! Watching these episodes again made me remember how they made me feel the first time I watched them – brought about a lot of emotions. Gah, I remember at the end of Season 2, I BAWLED my eyes out the first.. 10 times i saw it, hah. When I first started watching Buffy, I just totally FELL IN LOVE with Buffy and Angel as a couple.. and I wanted to have that kindof love. Minus the fact that she was a vampire slayer and he was a vampire and the whole tragedy, they-don’t-end-up-together thing. Hah. (which, btw, i HATED that they didn’t end up together.. course)
And yenno what?

..I think I’ve found a love kindof like theirs.
Teehee. Well, I’m bout to go find something to snack on and see what I can do with my site. Still trying to come up with a new layout idea. (and it will deal with buffy and angel!)
Guess that’s all for now! Later! :D

P.S. – i went through my comments and went to people’s sites and for the people that have me linked, you have been linked as well!!! thank you guys for linking me, i didn’t realize i had been linked by that many people!!!!!!!! i’m so grateful