Title refers to the current song by The Killers I’m listening to! ^_^ Sheesh, this week has went by so fast! Brad’s last day at work until Tuesday was today… so he is on his last mini vacation for a long, long while. Our college break will be over shortly, too.

So, my navigation is now working! I updated my pages to current info and created the NEWWW 811 page with deets on the lifestyle. I’ll add more to it as I go along.

I didn’t think I could love bananas or dates more, but it’s happening! I actually got up earlier this morning & slammed down plenty of WARM water. Let’s just say the raw food and water… is really um, cleaning me out! Hah. Get all the mess out of my colon and eventually my health issues will resolve. LOVED my banana/date/spinach smoothie that I gulped down at lunch. I had my biggest glass of green juice I’ve EVER had this evening! 44oz baby. I walked over to my Moms and got to hang out with her for our usual Thursday meetup.

Came home, been catching up online, and am probably about to get a nice hot bath then just R-E-L-A-X some more!!! ^_^ Won’t get to relax this much once college starts up again. I’ll be super busy, with trying to keep up with college AND my usual daily tasks, plus my stuff online – including this bloggie!

Know that your health is in YOUR HANDS. You can change it. Don’t be afraid to question things. Don’t be afraid to be DIFFERENT. Love yourself, love your body, take CARE of your body, fuel it right, get exercise, sleep, water, think positive, and you will know what you are supposed to do in life! <3 I could babble on and on and on about living healthy, thinking healthy, and actually being healthy.

The 811 lifestyle = no calorie restriction. pure fuel for your body. planet/enviornment friendly. animal friendly. a lifestyle to gain health, energy, and vibrance. um, don’t know about you, but I give that a big HELL YES! ;D GO VEGAN!