After having a good appointment Friday and feeling more positive about my health now than ever, I got a little spark to start organizing again! I used to do that really often and it used to be a stress reliever, actually until my health went down. Today mostly consisting of me……. cleaning and organizing!

Along with my usual Saturday cleaning – I also organized the pantry shelves in our laundry room, a few cabinets in our kitchen, our bedroom closet AKA extra bookcase, and washed our bedsheets! We usually go out on Saturdays, but Katie is not feeling well at alllllllllll =( In fact, her cough sounds rough and her nose was runny throughout the day. She ate breakfast, watched some movies, but would not eat lunch since I know her throat hurts. She has drank plenty of fluids tho so that is good. She also didn’t touch her dinner but drank more fluids. We gave her some medicine before nap and bed… she slept around 3 hours for nap and then we put her back to bed at 9. I really hope she feels better soon. She was still playing with her toys a bit this evening, so I know she’s not TOO bad. I know she’s been so sick before that she wouldn’t even play or hardly move. We won’t be going to church in the morning of course since Katie just needs to stay home and rest.

I “seem” to be doing better sickness wise…. atleast I hope! My nose has been a little runny a few times today and my head was hurting moreso this morning and right now I feel good, well except my teeth are bothering me but yeah. Brad said he might be starting to come down with it. Hopefully not!!! We gotta get our plans straight tomorrow for MONDAY so I can get back to the Doc and get my testing all done and situated.

Time to sit back, catch up online and watch more Secret Life! =)