What a great Sunday!!!!!!!!!

We woke up late once again for church since Brad went back to sleep after his alarm went off but we got up and had to rush to get things together but then we were off! Church was awesome and we had potluck afterwards so I ate some fruits and veggies! Our new friends from church came over to hang out with us all afternoon! We talked and played some SCRABBLE! It was so much fun and SO GOOD to have new friends that go to the same church, believe the same as we do and are around the same age plus Brad knows the husband from working with him at a past job so that is excellent! Not to mention HE’S the one who told Brad about the church!!!!!!

Feeling so blessed to have them come into our lives! We’re going to our church temple with them this coming Saturday so I’m really looking forward to that as well. It will be awesome and we’re hopefully gonna have a picnic after we get out of the Temple but we shall see!

Brad wants me to watch a movie with him so I’m gonna get myself a snack and watch that with him then get ready to put Katie to bed! Hope everyone has had an excellent weekend!