WOOOOOOOOOO. Our weather has been FAR too hot lately but we are finally starting to cool off a tiny! We might even get some rain sometime this week! It’s been like 110 or so some days lately so It is NICE to look @ the temp right now and say It’s 80!!!!! Yenno I LOVE summer but not when It’s THAT hot! Now I can’t wait for fall.. and around 70-75 degree weather so I can open my windows and let some fresh air in. I LOVED doing that last year – keeping my windows up during the day. Was really lovely.

Of course this weekend is Labor Day weekend! And Brad is off work Monday! He is of course excited about that! Maybe we’ll do something to celebrate Labor Day, that would be cool.

Not much of a post today… don’t have too much going on. Sitting here finishing my cereal then I need to go wash my hair! I miss Mom. (she moved away) It would just be nice to go over to her place and talk to her but I can’t. 🙁
Thanks for your comments on my last entry. I don’t think I should make an effort If they won’t or don’t.