Kids get a fall break now?! Katie doesn’t have school today, tomorrow, Monday, or Tuesday! Lucky kids get a break in October, November, and December! She’s currently watching a cartoon with animals about phonics.

So, rewind. Last time I posted about doing exercise on my exercise bike. I did 20 minutes at a pretty fast pace last Thursday. Bad idea. I’m learning that with low cortisol and every other imbalance I have that getting my heart rate up too high only makes me worse. I felt terrible that evening. I tried to rest on Friday then the weekend was packed! Brad went out for errands Saturday while I cleaned house then in the afternoon we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and my thyroid meds. I came home to do a million other things, so any time I am crazy busy like that it also takes a toll on me. Sunday was busy too with church then cooking chicken/fish for the week then went to visit with Mom, as I usually do. The week has been decent so far and I got 100% on one of my college assignments, woot! It was on the link between physical activity and chronic illness. I felt “off” health-wise day before yesterday and my weight/body fat had stalled, so I know from past trial and error that-that means I’m taking too much supplement/vitamin wise. It always happens! I was taking extra vitamins that my Naturopath gave me, but I seem to do better with keeping the vitamin intake where it was prior to taking the new ones.

I watched the first episode of Surviving Evil online last night before bed. I had no idea that Charisma Carpenter was attacked like that in the 90’s. I loved her in Buffy and Angel. Excited to watch new Revolution tonight!!! It won’t be long and The Biggest Loser and The Walking Dead will be back… yay!

Umm, well I have run out of things to say. It has been gorgeous lately and we haven’t had to run our air conditioner in the last week or so, which is nice. Alright, off to get some chores done then one of my college discussions! Wishing everyone an awesome weekend.