Today I’ve mostly been reading more of my History book for my college assignment this week and I’m really enjoying it!! Reading about how agriculture got started in the world and just got done reading about how agriculture started in the Chinese dynasties.

It got cold REAL fast as the day went on. In fact, Brad just turned on the heater so we can stay nice and warm tonight and into tomorrow morning, since it is supposed to be really cold in the morning and the possible snoooow is gonna start early morning. I hope I get to see the snow flurries!

Baaaah, I have nothing to say. I had been doing so well with not eating carbs since Thursday, but I ruined that today. That’s alright. I’ll get back on track.

I’m soooooo excited to watch the latest Walking Dead and DEXTER! Already know the surprises lol but still excited to see them. Walking Dead coming right up…….. and also eating on a yummy tangerine!