Little Katie has definetly got my cold… :( I really wish I could just take it away from her so she doesn’t have to be sick. I fed her after 2PM this afternoon and then she spit up a lot then once I put her in her swing she spit up some more and then about maybe 15 min ago Brad had her on her tummy on his chest and she spit up on his shoulder and he said it smelled like vomit. Poor girl.. she’s been sneezing a lot, had a crusty nose this morning when I got her up. She also slept a really long time this morning – she usually gets up around 5:30-6:30AM and she didn’t wake up till nearly 8AM! Then I layed her back down and she slept till almost 2PM this afternoon so I guess It’s good she’s getting lots of rest but gotta make sure to keep her dehydrated.

Poor babe. We gave her some Tylenol not long ago so I hope it helps her.