This week is moving right along! Ummm, once again this post prob won’t be much since I had a simple day. This morning I got college work done and my neighbor wanted to talk to me for a few minutes, so I went to visit her then came back to finish my work. Fiddled around until lunch time and put Katie down. Went back over to my neighbors – and there is an outside kitty my neighbor feeds and the cat had another litter of kitties a few weeks ago and they are old enough to walk around, play, etc and she wants me to help socialize them, to get them ready to go to an animal place where they will help find them homes. SO! I went outside and sat down… it’s a tiny space because their behind the bush right by my neighbor’s porch, but I kneeled down and there are 5 kitties! They mostly hissed and made the spitting noises at me, but one them didn’t care if I touched him/her! I petted that babe for a long time and picked it up. AWEEEEEE. Eventually came back and got ready ready ready for GYMMMMMM. SUMMARY >>>

warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.49 miles, 104 calories
leg extensions – 3X, 85lbs, 10 reps
back & abs – till max
steppers – 1X, 1 minute
leg press – 3X, 230lbs, 10 reps
calf extensions – 3X, 90lbs, 10 reps
back extension – 3X, 190lbs, 10 reps
elliptical cross trainer (sitting) – 20 minutes, 4.23 miles, 223 calories
treadmill – 25 minutes, 2.04 miles, 267 calories

It was pretty busy when we went over to the weight training / leg machines, so I just did what was open. The girl that we talk a lot with was back working at the gym tonight! Her fiance was the one we talked to last night. Talked to her a little bit. Ummm, finished up, had a protein bar, hung out then came back home. On the way home, Brad noticed the car was about to run hot, so he drove slowly home and eventually found out (thanks to my cousin) that there is a leaky hose, so he’s gonna see about getting it fixed tomorrow. I bathed and put Katie to bed, since he was tending to the car. Had my dinner + snack and feeling content!

I’ve been eating a naner + almond butter for my morning snack, but I think I need to change that since I felt pretty “off” just before lunch… change it up again, to where I have a good amount of protein in that snack and I prob don’t need the naner at that time. I felt like I needed carbs a bit after my lunch, so I fixed a 1/4 cup oats with protein powder and that seemed to help. We’ll see if my weight moves or not in the morning, if not then I’ll know that oats interfere with the inflammation stuff going on. Just gonna keep on keepin on!!!!!!!

Have an excellent night!