With the new job Brad has, his Mom was telling us that she believes that for Christmas Brad will get 2 weeks off! Then he also found out that he will get a pretty big bonus for Christmas!!! If everything goes alright then we can definetly go see my Mom this Christmas!! Which will mean It has been a year since I’ve last seen her — which is too long! Feels like forever since I’ve last seen her but I really, really hope we do get to go.

I love my Mom to death but my only problem and concern about going there with Katie is the cigarette smoke. They can smoke all they want but I just don’t want Katie to inhale all that. When I bring up topics like that sometimes Mom tends to get a little sarcastic about it and say something like, “Well then I guess I won’t get to see her then” but I hope she understands. My Cousin was living in the same apartment complex as Mom and my Aunt but he recently moved quite a ways away so we can’t stay with him like we did last time we were there. We stayed with him because 1) he has the Internet 2) he doesn’t smoke 3) has a kickass bed! Now that he’s not there we either have to stay with my Mom or Aunt. We would get a hotel or somethin but can’t afford that. Maybe Mom will atleast smoke outside while we’re there. I mean, come on. I can’t stand cigarette smoke myself and while we were there last December Brad and I both were about to go crazy because of the cigarette smoke. I was about 13 weeks pregnant when I went to visit them last December and just before we left, Mom took my blood pressure and It was extremely high. Mom thought there might be something wrong — but uh, the problem was the cigarette smoke!

Again, I just hope she understands. Surely she will If she wants to see Katie.