Thought It was about time for a new layout since the holiday season is now pretty much over. Speaking of this layout, the Joey and Pacey image I made back in 2005 and had It set up for a layout on my website back then but never used it so It’s been sitting on my computer so I thought I’d put it to good use!

What do you think? I think It’s cute. LOTS of people complain about tiny fonts on websites nowadays – I remember when 7pt was everywhere. I personally still love to use it but I decided to go a little bigger with verdana for this layouts entries. I just don’t care for bigger fonts..

The weather here lately has been butt numbing cold! It’s 27 out right now says It’s gonna be down to 17 tonight. It was even colder last night! Guess what though? By next week our highs are gonna be almost 70 with some chance for severe weather. Fun! Nothing like crazy roller coaster weather to mess with you. :annoyed: