With Brad working his new job, we have ourselves a whole new schedule. Get up at 8AM, eat, get ready, feed Katie and I pump milk. Go up to the gym and Brad’s Grandparents usually watch Katie for us. Well, see, his Grandma goes to the gym in the morning too so Brad’s Grandpa was outside in his car waiting on her so we just let him watch Katie while he waited then they took her home with them when Brad’s Grandma was done in the gym. I love working out!!! Feels really great. Then once we’re done, went & picked up Katie today. Stopped by the store on the way back because Brad had to get a notebook and we needed new batteries for Katie’s swing. Came home, Brad got a shower then I got one and had to hurry coz he had to leave for work. He LOVES this new job so far — he said It’s probably his dream job. That’s awesome! He’s in the training process and I think they do that for 3 weeks? It’s just like a classroom where they learn all about it before they proceed. He got home early last night yay! I think It was after 7PM when he got home and normally he would get home about 10:30PM. He said he sang as loud as he could on the way home because he was so happy haha. Now we’re just waiting for the approval on the apartment!!!

I’m excited to move! Oh, BTW happy October! Can’t believe this year will be over in a few months.