I just want to be better…

Not a very eventful day, besides college work.

I also talked to Mom on the phone this afternoon. No gym again, since Brad’s back is still bad off. Plus, I shouldn’t be at the gym either. Think I’m gonna go to the ER next Wednesday when our insurance kicks in to get my blood tested for blood poisioning — I think I’ve had it all along because I let that infected tooth go untreated for way too long. All the symptoms line up to everything I’ve suffered and still have some of the symptoms even now. Not something to play around with. I was WAY bad off in 2010.. I’m very lucky nothing worse happened (or has happened!), but again I was suffering terribly back then. If I do have infection in my blood then I would assume I’d need to get that taken care of before I could get the root canal. My body is deffo messed up… =(

I’m gonna get this sorted and I’m going to get my body better.