Well, if you saw my post a bit ago saying we might have another family member soon… we are! I found out June 3rd that we are having another baby!!! Never, ever thought I’d have or want more than 1 child lol. I’m so thankful though. Hubby and I had talked back in the early part of this year about whether or not we wanted to try for any more babies or If we were done after Benjamin. I felt like if we were gonna try then we better get to it! We decided that we did want one more so we kind-of tried in late Jan-early Feb. Nope. I started using ovulation predictor kits and kept track of everything each month. February- nope. March- nope. April- nope. May 11th was my last period. I was due for another one June 6th. I had used more expensive ovulation tests this time, including the Clearblue advanced digital ovulation tests and I SWEAR they helped up our chances! I followed my blinkey and solid smiley faces with the digital and we did the deed around those days. Well, the week before we went to Six Flags I took a cheapie preg test at 6 days past ovulation… negative. Way too early I thought. 7DPO.. negative. 8DPO I took a blue dye Clearblue test and SAW A FAINT LINE within time limit! NO- WAY. I showed hubby and said well… maybe! I knew blue dye test got a bad rep but this was within time frame. I took a FRER too and it looked negative. Saturday morning at 9DPO I took another Clearblue.. faint line I think?! Went to Six Flags and had a blast. Decided to just rest and take a test the next morning at 10DPO. My first test I took was one of my cheapies from Amazon. Dip. Wait. OBVIOUS FAINT LINE!!!!!!!! HOLY-CRAP. I was like no way, no way, no way!!! Next was another FRER.. nothing yet. Another Clearblue- faint but better line than before! The FRER line finally showed up, even though super faint. I was debating on when to take the one Clearblue digital that I had left over from the last cycle.. hmm. Wait a day? NOPE. I went ahead and opened it that Sunday evening. Brad saw the faint lines but didn’t really believe it. I wasn’t sure if it would show up pregnant being this early and only 10DPO. Open test. Dip 20 seconds… blink. Blink. Blink. Wait. Blink. Wait more. PREGNANT. I showed Brad the words!!! Never tested this early with either pregnancies! OH and I went back and looked at my 6/7dpo tests and there ARE very very very very faint lines there too! Amazing. I continued to take pregnancy tests forever, lol. I wanted to see the progression lines! Never did that either. I literally have a goodie bag of pregnancy tests. Yes, I’m ridic. I had really early symptoms too.. night sweats, achy legs, waking up really early to pee! and then not being able to go back to sleep.

Fast forward and I had my confirmation appointment this last Friday. SO AMAZING because we saw everything that people can’t usually see this early on (which I was 6 weeks)! Saw the baby, fetal pole, yolk sac, and even SAW AND HEARD that little heart beat!!!! So, so thankful.

I will be 7 weeks Friday and nausea has already been creeping up on me.. haven’t gotten sick yet but I bet that’s coming soon. I go back on July 16th for my 1st OB hour long appointment and I am sooo excited for it!

Other than the big news we haven’t been doing too much lately! Waiting to get a little extra money so we can go back to Six Flags again.

Hope you are enjoying your summer!!!