HAHA and I thought Sundays “adventure” to try to get my game was bad.

Today is Tuesday. The official release date of the game I had mentioned in the previous post, Lord of the Rings online: Shadows of Angmar. Brad got off work and a little later he asked me If I wanted to go back up to Wal-Mart to see if they had it. I hesistated… was thinking about waiting until the weekend. I still kindof wish I should have waited. Coz HELLO bad series of events coming our way. So Brad calls one of the Wal-Marts and asks If they have it. They say Yes! And that they had quite a few copies of it! Great!!! We get ready and decided we’d go eat at Taco Bell afterwards YUMMY. Load up and drive drive drive out there. I guess It’s about a.. 25-30 min drive.

Yay we arrive! Go on in and get to the electronics to look at the PC games. Not there. Go to talk to the people in Electronics and they look it up on the computer and sure enough, It should be in but they would have to go find it. Off they go.. we browse the movies and video games waiting. More waiting. Finally, while Brad was off browsing, the woman comes up to me with 2 Lord of the Rings games THAT I’VE ALREADY SEEN BEFORE, that have been on the shelf for months. I really don’t know what to say… I just look baffled. Brad comes up and says that is not the game we are looking for. He was getting really pissed, I could see it with his facial expression. He eventually says “Thank you, goodbye” And walks away hurridly. Yenno after Sunday’s event with this game, I thought to myself, wow someone doesn’t want me to have this game HAHA. But the thing is, they SAID they had it!?!?! He tries to cheer me up but darnit, we took another trip, another wasted trip! Off to Taco Bell we went…

We get our food and sit down to eat. Brad decides to call the Wal-Mart manager and tell him the situation, even If they DON’T have the game atleast they would know about what happened with someone telling us wrong. Ring ring. He gets the DISTRICT Manager, even better! Brad tells him the story and the DM gets one of his guys to go look for it… whaddya know, they JUST FOUND IT. HAHAH. Atleast they weren’t lieing but looks like those other people didn’t look hard enough. Finish eating food and this guy pulls up in the parking lot and is acting WAY STRANGE. Brad said he was a zombie.. :rolleyes: He acted like he was DEFINETLY on something. When he came in he went towards the bathroom slowly and just STARED at both the bathroom doors then turned around and went to the front counter. I’m guessing he couldn’t read English or couldn’t read at all or maybe he couldn’t read properly because what he was on/taking/what he had drunk, who knows. We decided to leave and head back to Wal-Mart… on the way out we see the guy who Brad claims was zombified has a BONE tied onto the front of his car, LOOOOL!! :dizzy:Get to Wal-Mart, la la. I jump out and lock my door and just as we were about to head off, Brad says, “Oh shit” … I knew what was coming. “Did you lock your keys in the truck” .. “Yes” :grumpy: OOOOH BOY. There was this guy that was leaving who had a mechanic shirt on and Brad told him that he had locked his keys in his truck and asked what he should do. Well, apparently the guy was a volunteer firefighter so he got on his radio and asked the cops If they could come open the truck. Nope, they can’t. Not unless there’s a KID OR ANIMAL locked in. DOH DOH DOH. Brad asks If the man has a coathanger, whaddya know, he DOES! He leaves after that and Brad tries to work the coathanger.. no luck. Just much frustration. He calls his Mom a few times after no luck with the coathanger and finally she says for Brad to go ask Wal-Mart security If they would help. Nope, they won’t EITHER! :yell:

Brad is getting really pissed and fed up by now. Finally, calls his Mom back and asks her to call a locksmith. Oooh boy he’s not happy about that. Noooot happy at all coz of course he knew It was gonna cost a bit. She calls back. Yep.. $60 BUCKS and It’s gonna take the guy like 30 min to get to us. Sigh.. sit on the tailgate of the truck and wait. I FEEL SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER BAD for even wanting to come get the game. Brad says It’s not my fault.. which, It’s not but still – I felt and still feel terrible. We go back in Wal-Mart to get the GAME. The guy @ Electronics is talking to a family about cellphones and Brad peeks over the counter and sees my game in a box. Finally, WE GET THE GAME!!!!! Go check out and head back out to WAIT some more. While waiting for the locksmith to call us, Brad’s cellphone is nearly dead so he is afraid he won’t get the call but luckily a little after 7PM, he gets the call from the guy and Brad directs him to us. THE GUY TAKES LITERALLY A MINUTE to unlock the truck. Brad says he is GOING to learn how to do that. Writes the guy a check (BTW, the guy looked very much like a gang member) … What a crazy evening. Get BACK in the truck and HEAD BACK HOME, finally. :faint:

… All that MESS for Lord of the Rings online. BETTER BE GOOD DAMNIT. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was waiting for Brad to get back from his Moms coz he wanted to see me install the game so off I go!

We’re supposed to have some bad storms tomorrow, let’s hope It doesn’t get too bad!!