I woke up and felt pretty blah but the day got much better as it went on. My back feels a good bit better than it did, thank goodness. I did exercise today — including my resistance rope DVD workout and 20 minutes on the exercise bike. Maybe those actually helped my back? Hopefully this is a really good sign that I’ll feel “normal” in no time. WOOO! I’m tempted to see about running on the treadmill tomorrow and maybe even Friday. I suppose I’ll “try” it and see how my back feels during running. If too bad then I’ll do something else!

I can’t believe since my highest weight I’ve almost lost 100 pounds. CRAZY!!!! I want to say that I truly do love this new lifestyle. It takes so much will power, devotion and motivation but If you really want it you can find a way to bring forth all those things. Tonight we’re gonna have turkey burgers! We went shopping yesterday and had only a small amount of money for now since Brad gets paid Thursday. We got the essentials and Brads gonna go back to the store probably tomorrow night to buy the rest of what we need.

I’m watching the new NBC show Mercy online… I’m really digging the show so far! Speaking of shows. WOW. Last night Brad and I watched last weeks episode of The Biggest Loser. Holy cow.. Tracey. Yeah, she needs to go! LOL, Jillian was SO MAD. I don’t blame her.. Tracey is a bit on the nutso side. Yup. Sean and Antoine are amazing guys and they made such a big sacrafice for Shay. Those guys definetly put their hearts out there. I look forward to seeing how everyone does this season!!! :)

It felt soooo muggy and ICKY last night before Brad and I went to sleep. In rolled a thunderstorm not long after that into the night. This morning it was clearing up outside then it was BEAUTIFUL outside and the temp has felt great all day. I’ve got the windows open letting in some cool air but may have to close them If I get too chilly. Feeling very uplifted tonight — love it!!!