“come with me… there’s a world out there that we should see, take my hand! close your eyes! with you right here I’m a rocketeer!” =)

I got up this morning and had my protein shake before getting ready to get Katie up and also fix my breakfast #2! Ate then started to clean, clean house. Later on I called Mom to see about her babysitting Katie today, but she said no because she was feeling stressed and her apartment was hot. Of course I really wanted to go to the gym… but decided to make the best out of it! Instead, Brad & Katie got ready to go swimming and I decided I was gonna run on the treadmill, go for a ride outside on my BIKE, and then go join them swimming for my total workout for the day! STATS >>

treadmill @ home – 4,162 steps, 2.109 miles, 30:12 minutes, 323 calories
bike ride outside – 35 minutes
swimming – ~1 hour or so

Shew, yea it’s different running on the treadmill at home compared to the one at the gym. My heart rate got higher faster, so I would change speeds to try to keep it in a range. Jammed out to my music with my headphones. Got an awesome sweat!!! Hopped off, drank a bunch of water, got my bike ready – including my keys, sunglasses, and still had my headphones on with the music! I was stoked to get to go out and ride. It was fun!!!! Came back, drank more water, got my swimsuit on then went to swim with my little family! We had a good time and came back at 6pm, so I could wash Katie off and we could all eat. I had a protein bar and then we got dressed and headed out and about! Went to our usual places, lol… Whole Foods first! I got a naner and Justin’s chocolate almond butter to put on the naner. We sat outside and I had that, Brad had a Clif carrot cake bar, and Katie had a fruit strip… err whatever their called! The fruit leathers or w/e, lol. It was nice outside. Last stop – can ya guess? Yup, Wal-Mart. I got a new shirt, CUTE sunglasses, and we got a handful of other things.

By the time we got home, I could tell Katie was reallllllllly tired! Got her dressed for bed and put her down. Heh. I ate my apple/yogurt/protein powder/almond butter snack and got a bath to wash my hair, shave, and all that good stuff.

Gotta get to bed soon so we can get up and go to church! I’m so blessed. I just think of where Brad and I are now, compared to years ago. This awesome new job he just got, we’re part of a gym AND I have equipment at home too!!! I never thought that would be me. To say I’m thankful doesn’t even cover it! I owe everything I AM and EVER SHALL BE to my Heavenly Father!!!!!! =)