Today was pretty simple but can’t complain! I got the house cleaned and took a nap this afternoon and I espically needed it since Brad and I didn’t get to sleep till almost 1:30AM I think? He went to help some church friends – which was so nice of him to just drop everything (we were watching The Office online) and go help them! He enjoyed my “surprise” for him of the pumpkin pie and ice cream and I had put it in the freezer and he had a hard time eating it since It was so cold, lol… whoops! I wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone so I put it in the freezer.
I have the urge to baaaaake or cook stuff so I think I may be experimenting with various recipes to see what I get! I just finished cooking our dinner and I made our bean burgers again except THIS TIME I used a different strategy. Instead of attempting to pan fry them, I baked them in the oven! Also, instead of using whole wheat flour to help keep them together — I used raw OATS! I’m eager to try them out and Brad bought some turkey bacon so I think I’ll put a slice on my burger, yum! I also have the urge to watch ROMANCE! Maybe The Notebook? Ooo I’d really like to see P.S. I Love You again and what a great movie that was! TONIGHT we watch this week’s episode of One Tree Hill! Too bad Bones and Fringe weren’t on because of sports, BOOOO!!!!!!!
Pretty random topics tonight just kindof releasing my thoughts. I’m thankful to have everything that I do and I owe that all to my Heavenly Father. I pray that others may not harden their hearts away from The Gospel and see that it helps all of us live happier lives If we will just follow His commandments and love one another! I know I want to draw closer to The Gospel and to the things that will bring me joy in this life as far as The Gospel goes. I pray that I can get my energy back so I can get my full MOTIVATION back too! Last night I was looking at my pictures on my computer of when I first had Katie. What a MAGICAL time that was.. the feelings I felt and how happy I was during that whole time. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday that It happened and at the same time It feels like a LONG time ago. We are human beings trapped in a time frame and our time goes by so fast. I’m going to cherish today while I have it — we all know we may not have tomorrow. Love the ones you got and help those in need. Sometimes all people need is a smile or hug to make the biggest difference in their lives. We never know how big of an impact a gesture or word might have in one person’s heart or life.

I want my light to shine for others to see to help them to shine their own light too. The light of hope, faith, love, charity and all things good. May God be with you till we meet again! Have a great night and know that God loves you!