Whoops! Sorry for the lack of posts! Did everyone have a good Christmas? Mine was ok.. didn’t even feel llike Christmas to me though. I guess because I didn’t get to see my Mom. It’s been a year now since I’ve seen her. If we don’t get to see her soon then we WILL take tax money and go see her DANG IT. Brad’s Mom & 3 younger sisters came over Christmas Day to celebrate & let us open our pressies! Katie got a handful of really nice gifts!

Not much else to tell really. Brad’s taking a nap on the couch, Katie’s taking her nap and… me? Washing laundry and just got done sweeping, washing dishes, dusting but It’s nice to clean up the place. Makes me feel good. As soon as I get Katie up & feed her, we’re going to pick up our friend Jeff & head to Wal-Mart for groceries and such. Tonight = LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE. YES! Brad wanted to play the game but It would always crash when he tried to play on his laptop so he reinstalled his operating system and boom so far so good so now he’s trying to level up his character! We’re such nerds, lol but It’s good fun.

Well have a fabbo Sunday & I’ll try to post before the NEW YEAR! 2009. My goodness. Seems like yesterday It was 2000. That’s been almost 9 YEARS. Impossible! Anyhow lol bye byes!