I’m still a child at heart when It comes to cartoons! I will sit and watch just about any cartoon even now! What can I say? I’m a sucker for cartoons. Speaking of cartoons, have you heard of the cartoon called The Sproutwells? It’s about a veggie family who is just trying to fit into a human world. You can catch The Sproutwells on YouTube!

In this clip the Sproutwells get a new pet named Fido! I have to say Fido is my favorite. What can be better than a veggie doggie? Haha! Check out the video for a little laugh or atleast a bit of amusement. Feel free to show off the Sproutwells video on your blog too! Once you’ve done that go to freshfunds for more ripening ideas! With fresh funds you can eat Chiquita and Fresh Express products to save money and get reward points. With these reward points buy awesome products or bid on items. I would personally bid on the Wii fit for myself.

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