I was hoping today would be good swimming weather… wrong! Got up this morning and got things ready then I got Katie up, fed her then we headed out. The further we drove, the more overcast it became and the less sun we saw until there were semi-dark clouds and no sun PLUS some wind and It wasn’t even hot. Tried to think on the positive side of things though since we had all this planned out and who cares! We were gonna get to swim. Katie hasn’t felt the best these last few days I think with teething but we were gonna try this out anyway. We arrived to our overcast swimming hole and carried our things out to our stone bench on the sand. Katies little swimsuit is so cute and we also bought her a little circle blow up floatie! Once we sat down, I gave Katie some food but she was tired seeing as It was right around her morning naptime but we tried her with the water anyway. Of course it was a bit cooler today so It was colder in the water and yeah, she did not like it one bit! Sigh… we’ll have to try again when the weather and timing is right AND when shes had a good nap. Brad was sitting in the shallow water with her while I went out to swim. I got in a few pretty big laps so hopefully I burnt a good amount of calories haha. Eventually while I was out swimming, Brad got Katie out of the water and back onto shore. He wrapped her up in a towel and leaned her back in her stroller. I think she might have dosed off a little but not much. Too afraid she’ll miss something! We took turns swimming while the other stayed on shore with Katie until a little after 4PM. I had a LOT of fun sitting on the sand and burying my legs! The sand was so soft and I felt like a kid again. I went in the water one last time but only stayed in a little because I was getting really cold. We decided to head on home and I know Katie was SOOOOOO glad to go home. We changed her into dry clothes and diaper then packed up and headed home.

Even though we didn’t have hardly any sun and It wasn’t exactly swimming weather, I did have fun. Any time with my family is time cherished and memorable. I was glad to be home too! Man, I’m WORE OUT from the swimming too! I almost fell asleep on the ride home and then later this afternoon I did fall asleep for a few minutes while waiting for my hair straightener to heat up. We’ll have to go out and try again when we are more certain we might get some good swimming weather and make SURE that Katie has had a nap.

I finally watched the season premiere of Jon and Kate plus 8 tonight. My oh my. My heart aches for them.. so very badly. If they REALLY want to make it work as a couple – as a MARRIED couple, they need to take atleast a DAY and go away together, If only for half a day and really, really talk about their feelings bit for bit. I hope they can make it work. It tore my heart out to see Kate at the end of the episode crying about how thinking back she thought she and Jon could NOT end up questioning divorce like a lot of the multiple married couples. Makes me look at Brad and hold onto our love and work towards being even closer.

Well, I’m gonna go watch the rest of Jay Lenos last show! Have a good night!